The Journey

Picture Courtesy of Getty Images

Picture Courtesy of Getty Images

Despite the casualties, life has been pretty amazing being in quarantine with my family. As I mentioned previously, a lot of time has been spent reading, listening to podcasts and most importantly, networking with other professionals in the real estate industry. I’ve been pretty blessed to have met the people I have recently. These individuals have guided me towards this new journey and have offered a lending hand during this entire time. Like they always say, you can’t go on this journey by yourself, you need an amazing support system to guide you along this path.

I never really realized that as my income grew, my spending also increased and at times, more than what I was bringing in. I can admit that I didn’t live within my means and I guess you could say I enjoyed looking rich rather than being rich. I was a victim of social media controlling my spending habits. Back in September 2019, I was high in debt and knew this lifestyle could potentially force me to lose my own home. I woke up from this nightmare and decided I needed to change and to make better financial choices. I began to save, made as much as I could selling collectibles and am happy to say I have paid off all my debt.

I love spending time with my family and it’s crazy to think how much time we waste working and trying to get ahead of the rat race. Ever since I started my photography business, I’ve lived life in the fast lane and it took me some time to adjust to these slower, simpler times. It has truly made me realize and understand my ‘why’ behind all this. I look forward to one day doing things I enjoy with the people I love.


The Entrepreneurial Spirit

