
Photo by JustLiv Indy

Photo by JustLiv Indy

It’s difficult to turn on the news or social media and not hear anything about COVID-19. We are definitely living in unprecedented times and at times, its hard to keep my head up. Since my last blog, my reading has intensified and I have been listening to various podcasts during working hours. During down times, I find myself analyzing deals, trying to get better at the numbers because we all know it is a numbers game. Last week, my realtor had sent me a property and although I was really close on submitting an offer, I decided to not pursue anything further. It was probably the closest I ever got. For me, the numbers just didn’t work. When I run my numbers, I have to be making some sort of profit with the most conservative figures. I found myself pushing the numbers to meet my needs, but at the end of the day, I just knew I couldn’t make it work. The hunt continues and at times, patience really tests me, but I know in time, the right deal with come.


The Journey

