People Business

Photo From btechange

Photo From btechange

Like the past few months, I have spent my free time reading and listening to podcasts. I was reading Choose Yourself by James Altucher (great book, I highly recommend you read it) and he mentioned the importance of actually writing your thoughts down. I’m not a great writer, but I guess we get better with more practice right? Anyways, the day after my birthday, a seller accepted an offer I had placed on our first investment property. At the end of June, we finally closed! I know, pretty exciting! I have been taking my own notes on it and at the time of this writing, the rehab is about 30% complete. Our goal is to get a tenant in here once the rehab completes and pull our money back out in a few months. One step at a time and I can’t wait to share this story with you! 

Real estate is a people business and I have spent a good amount of my time communicating with other professionals and investors. The investor community has been really supportive and I would not be where I am without them. I had my reservations about going into this business, especially investing out of state, but the individuals I have connected with have given me a ton of confidence and have been so willing to share their knowledge with me. I look forward to adding value to the people I’ve connected with and to any new investors who are struggling on making that leap.




The Entrepreneurial Spirit