One Year Down


It’s been a little over a year since I decided to try my hand at real estate investing and pivot into creating a better future for my children. I know a lot of people have questioned the idea of remote investing this past year and their faces when I explain that I have not seen the properties I’ve invested in, let alone, have been to the state, is priceless. Since the mindset shift, I have eliminated all of my bad debt and grew our savings account by 3650%. Yeah, that calculation is correct because I basically started with nothing. As I continue to scale and grow professionally and personally, I’m so grateful and blessed to have met the people I have along this journey. People who are on the same path and who continue to push and motivate me on a daily basis. This journey isn’t easy by any measure, but the fact that I have a huge amount of support lessens the burden. I am extremely proud of this path I have created in just a year and I am looking forward to all the growth and continued friendships along the way.  


A Window of Opportunity: Broad Ripple Fix + Flip


Our First Fix and Flip