Going At Your Own Pace

Photo from standard.co.uk

Photo from standard.co.uk

In this day and age, it’s not uncommon for us to compare ourselves to others whether it be our peers or those in the limelight. We scroll through our social media feed and see influencers and even our friends and family purchasing things we want, traveling to places we want to explore or eating at restaurants that are out of our reach. It’s human nature for us to want the same things and live the same lives. Constantly comparing our lives to others will cause much psychological and financial burden. In the real estate investing world, I would be in the middle of one deal while other investors had multiple projects going on simultaneously. I often thought to myself how are they able to tackle so many deals and why I wasn’t able to? I was comparing myself to seasoned investors while I am still getting my feet wet. The lesson I have learned during these times is that we all go at our own pace and we’ll kill ourselves if we compare our progress to others. Just remember that real estate investing is not a get rich scheme, but rather it is like running a marathon. Take each day to get at least 1% better than you were yesterday and stop looking at others who are at mile 10 while you are still completing your first mile on the marathon.


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