First Hawaii Fix + Flip

I started my Real Estate Investing career investing out of state because of my limited mindset–the thought I could not do any real estate business in the State of Hawaii. Let’s be honest, I adamantly believed someone like me was incapable of wholesaling or finding a fix and flip locally. I also shut down when I saw the competition and the price point. However, I attempted to find deals by sending out mailers, texting and cold calling. Although I was very inconsistent and minimal in my marketing efforts, I constantly got rejected from those who did respond. After years of trying, a deal finally fell on my lap and it was an opportunity I could not pass up. 

The lead came from an unlikely source–a friend of mine who was bound to face foreclosure in the coming months. Like with any leads in this scenario, we exhausted all options from listing with a realtor to trying to qualify for a refinance. The best option was a quick sale and we had to act fast to avoid foreclosure. For this transaction, I used a Hard Money Lender and found a Private Money Partner to fund the gap between the loan amount and purchase price as well as the rehab amount. From the purchase to the complete exit of the property, it took 3 months which was very amazing considering the market conditions. 

The best part of this project was that I was able to help a friend and their family avoid losing their home and walk away with a good amount of their equity to start fresh. Additionally, I overcame my limiting belief about doing business in Hawaii and hope to use this momentum to do more deals locally. Lastly, the new family that purchased the home is a family of 8 and it took them over 2 years to find their home in Hawaii. I’m so grateful to do what I do and very happy I was able to do something in the place I call home.


Don’t Quit Your Day Job, yet.